What is curiosity?
What is curiosity? Curiosity is the ability to question oneself and to ask questions. It is an admirable trait that should be encouraged and cultivated in everyone. To be curious, it is necessary to have the courage and willingness to look for answers / experiences to satisfy our curiosity. You may be a very curious person, but you have grown up in a society that belittles all unconventional ideas or questions. As a result, you and many others have buried your curiosity deep within yourself, convincing yourself that it is no longer necessary to be curious. The vast majority of adults today think that they "know it all", thus limiting their own psychological, intellectual or spiritual development. What a waste! They do so because their age - according to the conventions of society - dictates how they behave. If you are an adult, you are supposed to have "discovered everything" about life. Yet to be curious is to be humble. It's having enough willpower an