Cómo Convertir El Fracaso En Éxito
Contrary to what many people might think, failure really is inevitable .
We all fail from time to time ...
When we propose a project and it simply does not work out.
Or when we started a relationship and it wasn't what we expected.
Or wanting to carry out anything in life, and find ourselves with a radically different reality.
However, successful people are those who can turn that failure into another success in their lives.
And I want to show you how to achieve it.
When we set out to achieve a lot of success in life , we are afraid that things will not go as expected.
And although we can prepare in certain ways, the truth is very difficult to have all kinds of probabilities covered.
First, because we are human beings and as such, we are imperfect.
And second, because we don't have control over all the things that happen around us.
Especially those that come from other people, that could make you feel bad telling you something ...
Or that they could simply damage your plans or prevent you from achieving what you want, in some way or another.
So, it is better if we are prepared for ourselves when those difficult moments arrive and we know what to do.
How to prepare to face a failure?
Step 1:
The first thing to do at the moment we fail is to stop , analyze the situation and accept that we fail .
The vast majority of people simply refuse to accept a failure.
Our pride and our mind always want to look good and never accept that he was wrong, that he made a mistake.
For that same reason, we run away from the sensation that appears when we realize that we fail.
And when we refuse to accept it, it is much harder to learn and continue moving forward in life ...
... above all, to turn that failure into a success.
Then, when you stop to think, you can ask yourself the following questions:
Based on this experience, what did you learn from yourself?
What did you learn from other people? Did others leave you lessons that you can use later?
What did you learn about how the world works? How can your decisions change in the future now that you know somehow how things happened?
And most importantly, what can you do right now ? What decision can you make now to try to improve the situation?
Step 2:
However, we cannot stay all the time analyzing things, paralyzed because we have just failed.
You need to continue with a positive inertia and keep moving.
So that our motivation does not fade from a stumble in the road.
And that is why this step # 2 is to set specific goals .
Notice that one of the previous questions was:
What can I do right now to improve the situation, what actions can I take?
They can even be actions that help you with your mood or eliminate thoughts of negativism.
For example, if I feel bad right now and I don't leave the house because I am totally distressed ...
... I can think of going for a walk and eating something, or preparing a dinner at home, or watching a humorous movie.
Anything that is an action you start taking.
Because failure, what you will do in your mind is prevent you from taking action .
It will seek to stop you, and stop you more and more towards the next thing you want to do.
So, the way to fight that and overcome it effectively is simply to continue acting by setting goals.
Step 3:
Finally, you should blur or divert your attention from yourself, and think about others.
Think about how you can contribute positively with other people.
Maybe how could you help another person to avoid making the same mistake you made in the future.
Because when we fail or we are wrong, we don't stop thinking about that specifically ...
... what we need, what we did not achieve, how other people are responsible for our failures, etc.
And how the world should be different for us to have certain benefits, and get certain results.
So, in this step we must cut and end those thoughts.
In fact, one of the greatest sources of happiness comes from helping other people.
And it is also one of the best ways to create a mindset of abundance, and in fact, an attitude of abundance .
This will also help you acquire new perspectives.
Without counting on the fact of talking with other people, you could even get ideas to make decisions below.
- https://independent.academia.edu/readanswer
- https://cs.byu.edu/job-posting/looking-creative-chief-content-editor
- https://bacalumni.jobboard.io/employers/371558-read-answer
- https://webflow.com/readanswerpro
- https://speakerdeck.com/readanswerpro
- https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=3672966
- http://www.cplusplus.com/user/readanswer/
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